Why to Use Franchising? The Perception of Scottish Entrepreneurs

Artur Steiner, Izabella Steinerowska-Streb

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Franchising has become a popular way of doing business among entrepreneurs from developed market economies and from transitional economies. This book investigates the role of franchising in Scotland where the marketplace becomes increasingly competitive and where entrepreneurs, in the age of globalisation, require higher security in establishing and running their businesses. WHY USE FRANCHISING? The perception of Scottish entrepreneurs - presents views of Scottish franchisees exploring whether franchising can be a successful strategy for running SMEs in a decade of globalisation also in Scotland. Moreover, the book investigates the motives of using franchising in Scotland. The book is of interests to franchisors (who can learn how to attract new franchisees), franchisees (who can verify own perception in relation to their experience), those studying franchising (who can explore their knowledge in the field), public bodies (who aim to enhance economic development), and all those who desire the opportunity to join a franchising chain.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherLambert Academic Publishing
Number of pages80
ISBN (Print)978-3659420030
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2013


  • Franchising
  • entrepreneurs
  • Scotland
  • SMEs
  • globalisation


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