What is learned through work? a typology of professional learning in the workplace

Anoush Margaryan, Colin Milligan, Allison Littlejohn

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    This paper outlines a typology of what professionals learn through daily work. Of particular interest are similarities and differences in what experienced workers, novices and mid career professionals learn through daily work. Grounded in an empirical study (survey, n=469 and in-depth interviews, n=29) within a global energy company and informed by existing frameworks, the typology incorporates five categories and 19 subcategories of knowledge, skills and dispositions that professionals were found to develop through work. The findings contribute to the theory of workplace learning by enhancing the current understanding of how professionals learn through work. The findings contribute to the practice of workplace learning in organisations by highlighting the wide range of different types of knowledge and skills that employees develop through everyday work. Recognising the learning potential of daily work could enable organisations to provide more effective learning and development opportunities for employees.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 22 Aug 2012


    • workplace learning
    • daily work
    • career professionals
    • knowledge skills


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