Urban heat island and its impact on climate change resilience in a shrinking city: the case of Glasgow, UK

Rohinton Emmanuel, Eduardo Krüger

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    164 Citations (Scopus)


    Given its long urban history of growth and decline, Glasgow, UK, provides a historically significant opportunity to study the local climatic changes brought about by urban variables. This study investigates the changes in air temperature within the central area of Glasgow using three data sources: the UK Meteorological Office historical data for Glasgow (climate normals and running data for a 50-year period), the Weather Underground network; MIDAS Surface Weather Stations network of the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC). Three approaches were used to evaluate Glasgow’s local climate change: assessment of mean air temperature increases based on two concurrent climate normals, traditional UHI approach (i.e. differences between a ‘rural’ and an ‘urban’ site) and observed temperatures in locations with different land cover characteristics (using the Local Climate Zone LCZ concept. Planning and building scale implications for other shrinking cities are explored.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)137-149
    Number of pages16
    JournalBuilding and Environment: the International Journal of Building Science and its Applications
    Early online date30 Jan 2012
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2012


    • urban climate
    • urban heat island
    • local climate zone
    • climate change
    • shrinking cities

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Building and Construction


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