Transforming out-of-hospital care for people who are homeless. Support Tool & Briefing Notes: complementing the High Impact Change Model for transfers between hospital and home

Michelle Cornes, Robert Aldridge, Michela Tinelli,, Martin Whiteford, Nigel Hewett, Michael Clark, Jo Neale, Andrew Hayward, Richard Byng, Jill Manthorpe, Graham Foster, Elizabeth Biswell, Dee Menezes, Ruth Blackburn, Dan Lewer, Jessica Harris, James Fuller, Alan Kilmister, Jean Coombes, Darren O'Shea

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


In this briefing paper we draw on research findings to outline how commissioners and providers can develop out-of-hospital care that will deliver consistently, safe timely transfers of care for adults who are homeless. We draw on the findings of a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded evaluation of the ‘Homeless Hospital Discharge Fund’ (HHDF) (Department of Health, 2013). The HHDF provided £10 million funding to the voluntary and community sector to work in partnership with the NHS and local authorities to address
problems such as ‘discharge to the street’ (when a homeless person is discharged in the knowledge that they have nowhere to live). We provide evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different models and configurations of specialist services piloted through the HHDF, and a ‘road map’ or checklist of the complex set of factors that decision-makers should consider in order to make services as inclusive as possible. The checklist can also be used to highlight existing areas of weaker provision and as a tool to compliment the ‘High
Impact Change Model for Improving Transfers of Care Between Hospital and Home’ (HICM) (LGA, 2019).
Original languageEnglish
PublisherNational Institute for Health and Care Research
Commissioning bodyNational Institute for Health and Care Research
Number of pages48
Publication statusPublished - 18 Nov 2019


  • out-of-hospital care
  • homelessness
  • safeguarding adults
  • High Impact Change Model


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