The legacy of the Commonwealth Games in Zambia: a conversation

Fiona Reid, Jenny Tattersall

    Research output: Other contribution


    With 71 countries recently taking part in the 2014 Commonwealth Games, researchers Fiona Reid and Jenny Tattersall discuss what type of legacy the Games might have in Lusaka, Zambia.

    Fiona and Jenny are carrying out long-term research on the IDEALS sport and development project in Zambia. Here they share their thoughts on the potential legacy of the Games, specifically in the deprived compounds and communities in Lusaka where the IDEALS project is based.
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputonline
    PublisherThe International Platform on Sport and Development
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Aug 2014


    • legacy
    • 2014 Commonwealth Games
    • Zambia
    • IDEALS
    • Lusaka
    • sport and development
    • deprived communities


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