The duality of professional practice in nursing: academics for the 21st century

Nicky Andrew, Yvonne Robb

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Although pre-registration nursing in the United Kingdom (UK) is moving towards a graduate exit, the vocational/professional debate is still live and continues to be played out in both popular and professional literature. This study considers the nature of contemporary academic communities and the challenge of duality in professional nursing life. More than a decade after the move into higher education (HE) however the role of the academic is still controversial, with much of the debate focussed on the nature of clinical credibility. This article considers the dimensions of academic nursing, reports the views of academics and clinicians and introduces a model of working that could potentially harness and blend the skills of academics and clinicians, nurturing a culture of applied scholarship throughout the professional/academic journey.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)429–433
Number of pages5
JournalNurse Education Today
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011


  • nurse education
  • academic nursing


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