Teaching excellence awards in Scottish higher education

Jane MacKenzie*, Alastair Robertson

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The status of teaching and recognising and rewarding teaching are major national policy issues and, given the lack of a national teaching excellence award scheme (TEA) in Scotland, there is a particular Scottish dimension to this issue. A recent UK-wide survey of HE staff showed that there is still a widely held perception that teaching is not afforded the same status or valued to the same extent as research in promotion decisions and other reward and recognition institutional mechanisms (HEA/GENIE CETL, 2009).This paper presents the findings of a short survey to gain insights into the extent and nature of TEAs in Scottish higher education. Although there is no national TEA scheme in Scotland, a number of Scottish institutions have developed their own intra-institutional schemes. This small-scale study aimed to explore:• how widespread TEAs currently are in Scotland • how they are being administered • what criteria are being used to make these awards A short survey was distributed to the Educational Developers community in Scotland and we present here the findings from that survey and then explore what these mean for Scottish HE with the hope of encouraging debate about rewarding teaching in the Scottish sector.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26-40
Number of pages15
JournalPractice and Evidence of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 29 Apr 2009


  • teaching excellence
  • recognition and reward


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