Synthesis inequalities for the robust PID controller for a DC Servo motor and Implementation by using digital signal processor

I. B. Kucukdemiral, G. Cansever, Kayhan Gulez

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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This note considers the ways of obtaining the synthesis equations of the dynamic controller for a DC Servo machine where the closed-loop system poles will move in a -stable region, in spite of the changing system transfer function coefficients by the perturbations. First of all, the mathematical model of a dc servo machine is
obtained. Depending upon the varying system transfer function, design equations of the dynamic compensator are found out. These equations includes the ways of choosing the controller coefficients KP, KI, KD which will give a desired response for the tracking system.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProc. International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology (ICSPAT'99), Orlando, Florida, USA
Publication statusPublished - 1999
EventICSPAT 99, International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology - Orlando, FL., United States
Duration: 1 Nov 19994 Nov 1999


ConferenceICSPAT 99, International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology
Abbreviated titleICSPAT 99
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityOrlando, FL.


  • DC Servo machine
  • PID controller
  • digital signal processing


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