Strategic quality control measures to reduce defects in composite wind turbine blades

Udayanga Galappaththi, A. M. De Silva, Milos Draskovic, Martin MacDonald

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

7 Citations (Scopus)


Wind turbine blades are made from polymer composites to
provide high specific stiffness, strength, and good fatigue
performance. However, large composite structures are
prone to manufacturing defects such as delamination and
adhesive failure, which can lead to crack initiation and
propagation under cyclic stresses. National renewable
energy laboratory, USA statistics shows 26% fatigue
failure modes are created by laminate and adhesive joint
manufacturing errors. A range of manufacturing processes
are used to construct wind turbine blades. Resin transfer
infusion is one of the most frequently used methods in
wind turbine blade manufacturing industry. This paper
provides assessment on regular defects occurring in resin
transfer infusion processes which lead to poor quality in
wind turbine blade manufacture. The assessment is based
on the existing literature and the know-how generated
from manufacturing wind turbine blades. The effect of
these defects for the structural failure of composite wind
turbine blades is analysed. The final phase of the study
provides manufacturing quality control measures which
can be implemented to improve the composite wind
turbine blade manufacturing process.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRenewable Energy and Power Quality Journal
PublisherEuropean Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 20 Mar 2013


  • quality control
  • defects
  • wind turbines
  • composites
  • blades


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