Software reuse and mass customisation feature modelling vs. case-based reasoning

Hermann Kaindl, Mike Mannion

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Several socio-economic trends are driving customer demands towards individualisation. Many suppliers are responding by offering supplier-led software product design customization choices ("mass customization"). Some are also offering customer-led software product design choices ("mass personalization"). This tutorial introduces these concepts and explores the implications for software product line development. One particular technical challenge is being able to respond to and manage at scale the increasing variety of common, supplier-led and customer-led features. We discuss two different approaches to address this challenge. One is grounded in feature modelling; the other in case-based reasoning. Both approaches aim to support the identification and selection of similar products. However they each place different emphases on these activities, use different product descriptions, and deploy different product derivation methods. Accordingly, each approach has different key properties, benefits and limitations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 22nd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference 2018
    EditorsAnn Light, Yanki Lee, Yanki Lee, Julia Garde, Goetz Botterweck, Sarah Nadi, Anne Marie Kanstrup, Paulo Borba, John Vines, Thorsten Berger, Tomi Mannisto, Maurizio Teli, Eva Brandt, Keld Bodker, David Benavides
    PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Electronic)9781450363716, 9781450364645
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Sept 2018
    Event22nd International Conference on Systems and Software Product Lines - Gothenburg, Sweden
    Duration: 10 Sept 201814 Sept 2018 (Link to proceedings)


    Conference22nd International Conference on Systems and Software Product Lines
    Abbreviated titleSPLC 2018
    Internet address


    • Case-based reasoning
    • Feature model
    • Mass customisation
    • Reuse

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Software
    • Human-Computer Interaction
    • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
    • Computer Networks and Communications


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