Social media, men who have sex with men and sexual health in Lanarkshire: quantitative report

Jamie Frankis, Paul Flowers, Karen Lorimer, Mark Davis

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This report examines quantitative data collected within the Social Media, Men who have Sex with Men and Sexual Health (SMMaSH) 2013 study survey; which was developed and conducted in collaboration with NHS Lanarkshire, the Scottish Netreach Network (Terrence Higgins Trust, Gay Men’s Health, Waverley Care) and the sexual health team based at Glasgow Caledonian University and Monash University (Melbourne, Australia). The aim of this report is to describe the findings relating to those survey participants who live in Lanarkshire. To provide a contemporary context within which to interpret these findings, we
present a comparative analysis of men living in Lanarkshire, Glasgow and the Rest of Scotland. Following this, we provide a more detailed analysis of key issues for Lanarkshire residents only.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSexual Health Research Network
Commissioning bodyNHS Lanarkshire
Number of pages185
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2013


  • social media
  • men who have sex with men
  • sexual health
  • Lanarkshire


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