Simulating three phase induction motor performance during different voltage sag types

M. A. Elgenedy, A. Moussa, E. Negm

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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This paper provides a detailed assessment of the performance of different induction motor sizes when subjected to different voltage sag types of different characterizations. To achieve such goal, a transient induction motor (IM) model was built using MATLAB/SIMULINK package, another model was built which is the voltage sag generator that provides the ability of generating almost any sag type with any customized characterizations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2012 15th International Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON)
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 23 Dec 2012
Event15th International Middle East Power Systems Conference - Hilton Hotel, Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt
Duration: 23 Dec 201225 Dec 2012


Conference15th International Middle East Power Systems Conference
Abbreviated titleMEPCON 15


  • induction motors (IMs)
  • power quality (PQ)
  • symmetrical and unsymmetrical voltage sags
  • voltage sag characterizations


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