SEA from space: Coastal management via satellites: Strategic planning in response to global sea level rises

Andrew Wilson, Audrey Berquand

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Rising global sea levels are already having an extremely damaging effect on local communities, human infrastructure, and the economy. The negative social and economic repercussions of this is only expected to worsen, meaning that effective coastal management strategies are critical. This project proposes the development of a new tool which acts as a strategic decision-support system for coastal management. The tool will make use of satellite data to characterise shoreline pressures and impacts in terms of future flood potential and coastal erosion, with a view of generating a solution for the most applicable and cost-effective coastal management strategy for different shorelines. These results can then be used to inform Shoreline Management Plans.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 16 Sept 2022
Externally publishedYes
Event24th European Interparliamentary Space Conference - Paris, France
Duration: 15 Sept 202216 Sept 2022


Conference24th European Interparliamentary Space Conference


  • global sea levels
  • satellites
  • coastal management
  • decision support systems
  • Astronautics
  • Space Travel
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Global and Planetary Change


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