Risk and trust in the context of the United Kingdom private pension arrangements

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    Book abstract: This book makes an innovative contribution to the field of retirement income security in three distinctive ways. First, it seeks to develop a sophisticated philosophical rationale for the social dimension, in the context of retirement. Such a rationale is frequently implicit in much of the relevant literature, and where explicit, is often crudely developed. Second, it seeks to identify robustly the ways in which specific forms of privatisation promote outcomes that are consistent with the social dimension, whilst acknowledging the possibility of market failure. Third, it seeks to provide an agenda for reform, based on robustly developed normative arguments, and a careful appraisal of the evidence.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationComparing How Various Nations Administer Retirement Income: Essays on Social Security
    EditorsM. Hyde, J. Dickson
    PublisherThe Edwin Mellen Press
    ISBN (Print)9780773437272
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • risk
    • trust
    • pensions
    • UK
    • finance


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