Researching Transitions in Lifelong Learning

John Field, Jim Gallacher, Robert Ingram

Research output: Book/ReportAnthology/Edited Book


Researching Transitions in Lifelong Learning presents new research from Britain, Australia and North America. The authors include leading scholars with established international reputations - such as Kathryn Ecclestone, Sue Webb, Gert Biesta, W. Norton Grubb, Nicky Solomon and David Boud - as well as emerging researchers with fresh and sometimes challenging perspectives. While emphasising the complexity and variety of people’s experiences of learning transitions, as well as acknowledging the ways in which they are embedded in the specific contexts of everyday life, the authors share a common interest in understanding the lived experiences of change from the learner’s perspective.

Original languageEnglish
ISBN (Print)9780415495998
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009


  • education research
  • lifelong learning


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