Randomised cluster trial to support informed parental decision-making for the MMR vaccine

Cath Jackson, Francine M. Cheater, Wendy Harrison, Rose Peacock, Hilary Bekker, Robert West, Brenda Leese

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    In the UK public concern about the safety of the combined measles, mumps and rubella [MMR] vaccine continues to impact on MMR coverage. Whilst the sharp decline in uptake has begun to level out, first and second dose uptake rates remain short of that required for population immunity. Furthermore, international research consistently shows that some parents lack confidence in making a decision about MMR vaccination for their children. Together, this work suggests that effective interventions are required to support parents to make informed decisions about MMR. This trial assessed the impact of a parent-centred, multi-component intervention (balanced information, group discussion, coaching exercise) on informed parental decision-making for MMR.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalBMC Public Health
    Issue number475
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2011


    • parental decision-making
    • MMR vaccine
    • randomised cluster trial


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