Protocol: Assessing the impact of interest-holder engagement on guideline development: a systematic review

Lyubov Lytvyn, Jennifer Petkovic*, Joanne Khabsa, Olivia Magwood, Pauline Campbell, Ian D. Graham, Kevin Pottie, Julia Bidonde, Heather Limburg, Danielle Pollock, Elie A. Akl, Thomas W. Concannon, Peter Tugwell

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This is the protocol for a Campbell systematic review. The objectives are as follows. The objective of this review is to identify and synthesize empirical research on the impacts of interest-holder engagement on the guideline development process and content. Our research questions are as follows: (1) What are the empirical examples of impact on the process in health guideline development across any of the 18 steps of the GIN-McMaster checklist? (2) What are the empirical examples of impact on the content in health guideline development across any of the 18 steps of the GIN-McMaster checklist?
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere1444
Number of pages15
JournalCampbell Systematic Reviews
Issue number4
Early online date15 Oct 2024
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024


  • engagement
  • impact
  • guidelines
  • patient and public involvement
  • stakeholder

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Social Sciences


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