Promoting excellence in employability and transversal skills (PEETS)

Bob Gilmour, Jantien Belt, Caroline Gallagher, Tim Hoppen, Sari Horn, Juha Hyytiainen, Dale Lyon

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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The primary aim of this chapter is to share our journey from a working group of like-minded individuals into a high-performing team. We will focus on the key components of our unique, multi-award winning Promoting Excellence in Employability and Transversal Skills (PEETS) initiative that created inspirational and transformative learning activities. The importance of self-reflection, of student feedback and co-creation throughout the initiative will be emphasised and we will highlight the broadranging reach, value and impact of our activities to our key stakeholders.
The second part of the chapter will outline how we have continued to collaborate since the original funding ceased. This will include using the collaborative principles of PEETS to secure additional funding for related initiatives, repurposing some original plans and outputs and sharing our knowledge
and experience to develop others within and outwith our organisations.
While we did not develop PEETS with a view to applying for and being awarded a CATE in 2019 (our first application), there is no doubt about the added value of completing the CATE application process as it encourages you to really scrutinise, evaluate and further enhance your collaborative activities.
The key outputs/outcomes from PEETS are continuing to have a positive impact on improving student and staff learning, performance and expertise as well as enhancing institutional and industry partner facilities and reputation. These are captured at the end of the chapter in a concept map (Figure 4) which illustrates the reach, value and impact of both PEETS and the process of preparing a CATE
application. Overall, we aim to share some of our key learning points and enhanced understanding from our journey
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe CATE Collection: Together in Collaborative Educational Leadership
EditorsDebbie Tolson, Nicola Watchman Smith, Dawn Irving-Bell, Miles Weaver
PublisherAdvance HE
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9781916359369
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2021


  • interdisciplinary
  • international
  • intensive study period
  • student/staff development


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