Private Water Supplies and the Local Economic Impacts in Scotland

Paul Teedon, Naveed Hakeem, Karin Helwig, Fiona Henderson, Marina Martinolli

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


There are approximately 22,000 private water supplies in Scotland serving a population of nearly 197,000 people. Many of these are also micro- and other businesses which rely on these supplies for their existence: frequentlyproviding services to a broader public as visitors and tourists particularly in remote rural areas of the country. This study provides evidence of the impact private water supply reliance has upon social and economic infrastructure; business development; costs of clean water; land management and stewardship and support needs. It also highlights indicative issues within three sectors (tourism, dairy farming and forestry) that are likely to bemore widely pertinent.T he findings reveal the complexity of private-supply arrangements and infrastructure, and the considerablegaps to be bridged to ensure future rural social and economic sustainability, system effectiveness, and toreduce localities’ vulnerabilities.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCentre of Expertise for Waters (CREW)
Commissioning bodyCentre of Expertise for Waters
Number of pages34
ISBN (Print)9780902701762
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2020


  • Private Water Supplies
  • local Scottish economies
  • Water supply testing
  • Stewardship
  • Community resilience


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