Pilot testing of a brief pre-consultation screener for improving the identification and discussion of medication adherence in routine consultations

John Weinman, Imran Ali, Anna Hodgkinson, Martha Canfield, Christina Jackson

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Objective: One of the challenges in being able to identify and manage medication adherence problems in routine practice is that patients are often reluctant to “admit to” nonadherence, particularly when asked in a direct way. The study reported in this paper has been designed as part of an attempt to address this problem by examining the value of a new brief medicines use screener in helping patients to identify and discuss adherence issues in a clinical setting. Methods: 145 Patients with type 2 diabetes completed the new screener (MMWFU) together with an adherence self-report scale (MMAS4) and medication beliefs questionnaire (BMQ). Correlations between the scales were assessed together with an assessment of the sensitivity and specificity of the new screener. Results: 126 (88%) of the sample identified at least one medicines-related issue on the MMWFU, which showed strong correlations with the MMAS4 and BMQ Concerns scalesas well as good sensitivity and specificity against the MMAS4. Conclusion: The results indicate that the new screener can serve as a fairly sensitive indicator of non-adherence and its determinants. Future studies will be needed to establish how well it performs in other clinical settings.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1895-1898
Number of pages4
JournalPatient Preference and Adherence
Publication statusPublished - 5 Nov 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Adherence assessment
  • Brief screener
  • Medication adherence
  • Medication beliefs


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