On the staining of human tissue-cultured cultured (Chang) conjunctival cells with rose bengal and lissamine green

Michael Doughty, Suzanne Hagan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


The purpose of this study was to assess the staining of Chang conjunctival epithelial cells with rose bengal and lissamine green. human (Chang) conjunctival epithelial cell line was grown on plastic plates in 10% foetal calf serum-supplemented medium in 5% carbon dioxide-air at 37°C. Cells were examined daily between days 2 and 10 of culture, reaching confluence after 7 days, for overall appearance before and after exposure for 3min at 37°C to solutions of either rose bengal or lissamine green (dissolved in saline, PBS or balanced salts solution). Measurements of nucleus and cell size were made on some confluent cultures.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)32-40
Number of pages9
JournalContact Lens and Anterior Eye : official journal of the British Contact Lens Association
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2013


  • Chang cells
  • conjunctival epithelial cells
  • vision sciences
  • morphometry


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