Mitigating medical trauma using a polyvagal informed approach to healthcare

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


A growing number of people are living with a long term-health condition. This can mean facing symptoms, medical monitoring and treatments which can be painful, distressing and disempowering while impacting on daily functioning, relationships, finances, sense of self, life choices and social inclusion. Childhood adverse childhood experiences (ACES), including health problems, increase risk of chronic physical and mental health difficulties. While a secure attachment to caregivers is essential to developing healthy relationships, neurodevelopment and resilience throughout life there can be medical barriers to attachment for unwell babies and increased risk to mental health of parents.

Key arguments:
Long term health conditions increase risk of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress. Yet, the psychological impact of exposure to medical trauma is poorly recognised, and addressed. This presentation considers working therapeutically with clients living with a serious, chronic health condition who have experienced medical trauma, through a Polyvagal lens. Further, efforts to prevent and mitigate medical trauma and enhance feelings of psychological safety are considered by promoting a Polyvagal informed approach to healthcare provision. A new psychometrically validated scale for measuring psychological safety, Neuroception of Psychological Safety Scale (NPSS) informed by PVT is considered to help measure progress in psychological therapy and hospital outcomes.

Counselling Psychology is well placed to promote a psychologically informed approach to healthcare provision by promoting contemporary understanding in healthcare practice to mitigate risk and improve mental health, quality of life and social inclusion for the growing number of people living with long terms health conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jul 2024
EventDivision of Counselling Psychology Annual Conference 2024: dancing between the forest of life and the digital jungle
- Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 5 Jul 20246 Jul 2024


ConferenceDivision of Counselling Psychology Annual Conference 2024: dancing between the forest of life and the digital jungle
Abbreviated titleDCoP 2024
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • congenital heart disease
  • mental health
  • psychologically informed medicine
  • psychologically informed healthcare
  • psychological safety
  • medical trauma
  • trauma
  • cardiology
  • psychocardiology


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