Method and apparatus for providing information security to prevent digital signature forgery

Mike Just (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    A method and apparatus utilizes a digital signature verification map containing a plurality of acceptable message header identifiers associated with a public key certificate identifier. In one embodiment, a method includes determining a digital signature verification error based on a received message header, such as transport header identifier associated with a public key certificate identifier, such as the subject field of the certificate. The method includes generating a signature verification map or updating a signature verification map containing a plurality of acceptable message header identifiers associated with the common public key certificate identifier in response to determining the digital signature verification error. Accordingly, a link is provided between a transport header and a digitally signed message. A digital signature verification map is continually updated to accommodate aliases to a common subject associated with the certificate. The digital signature verification map is preferably digitally signed to maintain a trusted verification map to operate as part of a secure communication system. If desired, a trusted alias map may also be used.

    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 13 May 2008


    • digital signature forgery
    • information security
    • patent


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