Making the Extreme into the Ordinary: Cultural Legacies and the Identity Work of Hungary’s Right

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Book abstract: Collective identities are politically necessary, or at least useful, as banners for recruiting others and engaging opponents and the state. However, not every member fits or accepts the label in the same way or to the same degree. The Identity Dilemma provides eight diverse case studies of social movements to show the benefits, risks, and tradeoffs when a group develops a strong sense of collective identity. The editors and contributors to this pathbreaking volume examine how collective identities can provide powerful advantages but also generate conflicts. The various chapters help to develop our understanding of collective identity from how strategic identities are developed for protest groups to how stigmatized groups negotiate identity dilemmas. Ultimately, The Identity Dilemma contributes a new strategic approach to understanding social movements that highlights the choices and tensions that groups inevitably face in articulating their ideas and interests.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Identity Dilemma
Subtitle of host publicationSocial Movements and Collective Identity
EditorsA. McGarry, J.M. Jasper
PublisherTemple University Press
ISBN (Print)9781439912515
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Publication series

NamePolitics, History, and Social Change
PublisherTemple University Press


  • cultural legacies
  • Hungary


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