Load model for prediction of electric vehicle charging demand

Kejun Qian*, Chengke Zhou, Malcolm Allan, Yue Yuan

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

89 Citations (Scopus)


Increasing environmental concerns, the decarbonisation of future auto industry, the consequent regulatory requirements and the depletion of oil have made the fuel independent battery electric vehicle (EV), with zero emission increasingly more attractive as practical and economical alternative to the gasoline fuelled car. The expected increasing number of EV connected to power systems for charging will have significant impact on power systems, such as generation capacity, transformer loading level, line congestion level and load profile, among which, the impact of EV charging load on the system load profile claims most attention. This paper develops a methodology to determine the EV battery charging load on the power system load profile. Three scenarios were simulated, comprising uncontrolled charging, controlled off-peak charging and smart charging. The proposed method in this paper takes into account the initial state of charge and start time of EV battery charging. Results show that uncontrolled charging will impose a new peak to the system and may cause congestion issues to local network. Controlled off-peak charging can shift EVs charging load to an off-peak time, however, EV can also introduce a new peak or near peak in early off-peak time. Smart charging method which optimises the start time of EVs charging is the most beneficial charging method to both distribution network operator and EV users.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2010 International Conference on Power System Technology
ISBN (Print)9781424459407
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010
Event2010 International Conference on Power System Technology: Technological Innovations Making Power Grid Smarter - Hangzhou, China
Duration: 24 Oct 201028 Oct 2010


Conference2010 International Conference on Power System Technology: Technological Innovations Making Power Grid Smarter
Abbreviated titlePOWERCON 2010


  • Battery charging
  • Electric vehicles
  • Load model
  • Power systems

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Energy Engineering and Power Technology
  • Fuel Technology


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