Live register of mentors and practice teachers

Claire McGuinness, Eileen Salmon, Maggie Hogg, Jacqueline McCallum

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A working group comprising university academics and practice education facilitators from three NHS Scotland service provider areas has developed guidance to improve the management and maintenance of live mentor and practice teacher (PT) registers. The document, specifically targeted at improving the systems that underpin live-register management, provides managers with information to guide the collation of accurate mentor and PT records, helping to ensure timely uptake of annual updates and triennial reviews. Adopting these approaches can improve the management and retention of mentors and PTs in practice learning environments and enhance the management of student support in practice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14-19
Number of pages6
JournalNursing Management
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2013


  • live register
  • mentor
  • mentorship
  • practice learning
  • practice teacher
  • student placements


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