Interim findings from the evaluation of the Lochee Pathfinder

Sharon Jackson, Christine Lowden, Eddie McGee, Gill Simpson

Research output: Working paper


Interim evaluation, covering four strands:
Analysis of the development and implementation of the Lochee Pathfinder, Eddie McGhee, University of Dundee and East Renfrewshire Council.
Perspectives of the leadership collaborative on process and progress, Sharon Jackson, University of Dundee.
The challenges for inter-professional collaboration and organisational change, Christine Lowden, University of Dundee and Dundee Voluntary Action.
What Difference Does a Swim Make? Lochee children’s experiences of Family Splash, Gill Simpson, University of Dundee and Dundee City Council and Sharon Jackson, University of Dundee.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDundee City Council
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2014


  • Lochee Pathfinder
  • total place approach
  • social polcy
  • children and families
  • resources


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