Holistic PIM: managing personal information for a nomadic generation

Andreas Komninos, Lynne Baillie, Peter Barrie

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    We examine the Personal Information needs and opportunities arising from the widespread introduction of mobile computing as a social medium and personal and professional life management tool by an ever increasing proportion of the population in developed countries. We argue that the current personal information management modalities, carried over from traditional computing practices, are significantly lacking in light of the demands and needs of a mobile generation. We propose a holistic, integrating approach to personal information management, based on the interaction of the mobile device with its environment, and discuss current technology and its potential in supporting advanced, intelligent life management tools.

    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2008
    Event3rd Personal Information Management Workshop (PIM2008) - Florence, Italy
    Duration: 5 Apr 20086 Apr 2008


    Conference3rd Personal Information Management Workshop (PIM2008)
    Abbreviated titlePIM2008


    • mobile computing
    • personal information management
    • computer science


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