
Lena Karamanidou

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Report abstract: Over the last few years, the EU and its Member States have found a formidable challenge in the unprecedented amount of people that have been moving across the Mediterranean and through Southeast Europe in search for a safe a haven from danger in their home country or better life opportunities. The EU’s ambition to protect the rights of people – inside, outside and across its borders – has often clashed with other priorities and principles, such as the traditional prerogative of states to decide who to let in. In fact, different notions of the just way to deal with migration combines with the multilevel nature of the EU migration policy, which relies heavily on the Member States in terms of political commitment and administrative resources.

Accordingly, this report provides an account of the conceptual and legal frameworks underlying the immigration policies of six Schengen countries – France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Norway and the United Kingdom – in order to grasp how different traditions, practices and priorities cooperate and diverge within the emerging EU Migration System of Governance (EUMSG).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe European Migration System and Global Justice: Definitions and Legislative Frameworks in France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Norway and the United Kingdom
EditorsAntonio Zotti
Number of pages44
ISBN (Electronic)9788283620375
ISBN (Print)9788283620368
Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2019


  • European migration system
  • global justice
  • Greece
  • immigration policies


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