Evaluating Sistema Scotland - Initial Findings Report

Lisa Garnham, Aileen Campbell, Chris Harkins, Carol Tannahill , Lorna Kelly, Joe Crossland, Patricia Watson, Stewart Maxwell, Jackie Halawi, Alan Urquhart, Simon Ross, Irene Pandolfi, Linda Fenocchi, Helen Mason, Cam Donaldson

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


This report outlines the first findings from our long-term study of the charity Sistema Scotland’s Big Noise orchestras in Stirling’s Raploch and Glasgow’s Govanhill.

The evaluation study has been established to capture important learning from the implementation and impact of Sistema Scotland’s work in Raploch and Govanhill. The study assesses the contribution made by Sistema Scotland to transforming the health, wellbeing and prospects of children and young people living in the areas where Big Noise programmes are delivered. This is a long-term aim, and what is reported here relates to early findings on process and short-term impacts, together with theorised pathways to longer-term impacts.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherGlasgow Centre for Population Health
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2015


  • Sistema Scotland
  • Big Noise programmes
  • children and young people


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