Electronic diary assessment of traditional and cyber forms of aggression and victimisation

Josephine N. Booth, Simon Hunter, James Boyle, R. Ortega, Paz Elipe

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Aggression can be conceptualised according to its function, proactive or reactive, with the former characterised by planning and goal pursuit and the latter by heat-of-the-moment responses to real or perceived threats. However, aggression can also be conceptualised by form, direct or indirect, where the distinction is based upon the degree to which actions take place in direct confrontation or via more clandestine, hidden means. Victimisation too can be characterised as direct or indirect. We argue that understanding how these constructs interact over time can inform theory relating to the relationships between traditional and cyber aggression and victimisation. Here, we outline the development of an electronic daily diary measure of these constructs, and report on early empirical data. Based on Little et al.’s (2003) measure, and following consultations with secondary school pupils, parents, and policy advisory groups, we developed a draft dairy measure. This was piloted with a sample of secondary schools pupils aged 12- to 16-years-old. Psychometric data are reported here, as are preliminary data regarding the relationships between daily activity and assessments of longer-term aggression and victimisation. We conclude by discussing potential future applications of the measure.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2011
Event2011 British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference - Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Sept 20119 Sept 2011
https://sites.google.com/site/developmental2011/home (Link to conference website)


Conference2011 British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference
Abbreviated titleBPS 2011
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • aggression
  • cyber aggression
  • victimisation
  • early empirical data
  • electronic diary


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