Early age-related decline in the effective number of trajectories tracked in adult human vision

Graeme J. Kennedy, Srimant P. Tripathy, Brendan T. Barrett

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14 Citations (Scopus)


Human performance in many visual and cognitive tasks declines with age, the rate of decline being task dependent. Here, we used a multiple-object tracking (MOT) task to provide a clear demonstration of a steep cognitive decline that begins relatively early in adult life. Stimuli consisted of 8 dots that moved along linear trajectories from left to right. At the midpoint of their trajectories, a certain number of dots, D (1, 2 or 3), deviated either clockwise or counter-clockwise by a certain magnitude (57°, 38° or 19°); the task for observers was to identify the direction of deviation. Percent correct responses were measured for 22 observers aged 18–62 years and were converted to effective numbers of tracked trajectories ( E) (S. P. Tripathy, S. Narasimhan, & B. T. Barrett, 2007).

Original languageEnglish
Article number21
JournalJournal of Vision
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2009


  • tracking ability
  • vision sciences


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