Drowning in debt: Scottish CAB clients and debt

Morag Gillespie, John McKendrick, Louise Dobbie, Fiona McHardy

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Drowning in Debt reports on research amongst Scottish citizens advice bureau (CAB) debt clients in 2008. Since the last survey commissioned by Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) and conducted in 2003, personal debt has reached new record levels and consumer debt is consistently the biggest single issue that clients raise with bureaux. Concern about debt has been heightened by the crisis in the banking and credit industry and recession in the UK economy. The credit market has tightened further in 2009. This research was carried out towards the end of 2008, in the midst of this period of rapid change. Legislation on debt in Scotland has changed recently. Key changes include modification to the Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS), a scheme designed to help individuals manage debts, and the introduction of a new route to bankruptcy for people with low income and low assets (LILA).
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEdinburgh
PublisherCitizens Advice Scotland
Commissioning bodyCitizens Advice Scotland
Number of pages116
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2009


  • debt
  • poverty
  • Citizens Advice Scotland
  • CAS
  • Scottish Citizens Advice Bureau
  • CAB


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  • Drowning in Debt

    Gillespie, M. & McKendrick, J., Jun 2009, 2 p. Edinburgh : Citizens Advice Scotland.

    Research output: Other contribution

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