Does the mMRC Dyspnoea Scale or stage of pulmonary rehabilitation completion impact on preferences for education?

Nicola Roberts, Kareena McAloney-Kocaman, Nicola Ring, Emma Ray, Lunne, Turnbull, Tessa Jelen, Alison Porter-Armstrong

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Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) should incorporate education that is tailored to patient preferences and learning style to ensure engagement. However, there is significant variation in the content and delivery of education within pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) programmes.

An online survey elicited the views of respiratory patients about PR education (three sections; demographic information; PR knowledge, stage of completion of PR and the educational component of PR). For subgroup analysis two variables were explored, mMRC score and PR stage (pre-PR, undertaking PR, completed PR) on the reporting of the importance of educational topics.

Survey responses (N=93) were analysed; respondents were aged 70±13.6 years, predominately female (55%, 51/93), ex-smokers (67%, 62/93) and retired (79.6%, 74/92). Most (43.0%) had a mMRC of 2 (34.4% 0-1, 43.0% - 2, 22.6% >2). Most had completed PR (76.3% 71/93), the remainder were pre-PR or had just started (22.6%, 21/93). Sub-group analysis explored the impact of mMRC score and PR stage. Understanding the need for CT scans and breathing tests was significantly more important to PR completers (98.5%, 64/65) compared to Pre-PR participants (81.3%,13/16, p<0.05). Learning how to make small changes in day-to-day living, the value of strengthening exercises or the importance of DNARs were not highly rated by those who were pre-PR compared to PR completers (all p<0.05). Patients with significant breathlessness affecting quality of life (mMRC 2) rated expert patient strategies, breath control, power of attorney, planning ahead and behaviour change strategies significantly more important (all p<0.05) to them compared to participants with lower mMRC (mMRC 0-1) and more symptoms burden (mMRC 3-4).

PR sessions often contain a mix of participants at different stages of their rehabilitation journey which may influence learning preferences. Sessions should be structured to maximise the experience for all participants.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25 Mar 2025
EventThe Annual Scientific Meeting for Leaders in Lung Health and Respiratory Science 2025 - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 21 Mar 202525 Mar 2025 (Link to conference website)


ConferenceThe Annual Scientific Meeting for Leaders in Lung Health and Respiratory Science 2025
Abbreviated titleTSANZRSR
Internet address


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