Deployment of information communication and technology in higher education learning environment of emerging Nigerian economy

T. K. Olaniyi*, E. O. Ademola

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This paper describes the rationale for the deployment of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) in learning environment of Higher Education (HE) institutions with a specific focus on the emerging Nigerian Developing Economy (DE). Productive integration of ICT depends on the way it is deployed and positioned. Many HE institutions in the DE has invested heavily in the use of ICT for teaching and leaming, however, its impact has been minimal hence the need for redress. ICT facilitates and improve students' knowledge and promote positive attitude to learning. Academic planners need to provide proactive support in the usage of ICT and E-learning. Significantly, If DE students are to compete with their counterparts in the developed world, effort must be made to develop their ICT abilities. Sadly, many HE institutions in DE have invested in the use of ICT but its benefits are not fully manifested. Choosing a teaching and learning method is not a passive process; stakeholders are expected to provide additional ICT skills given the complex dynamics of the job market and the increasing needs for multitasking workforce. This article contributes significantly to knowledge by identifying in coherent manner the various methodological approaches, personal development and supportive learning environment that are mandatory for sustaining HE development in the DE.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)121-126
Number of pages6
JournalAfrican Journal of Computing and ICT
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Information
  • Communication
  • Technology
  • Higher Education
  • Learning
  • Environment
  • Nigeria and Economy


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