Current and future online and blended learning provisions

Alexis Barlow, Josephine Adekola, Noreen Siddiqui

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This paper explores existing definitions and models of online and blended learning within the academic literature to ascertain the key characteristics and different modes of online learning and teaching provisions. These are compared with current online learning provisions within one Higher Education Institution (HEI) in the UK. Empirical data was collected from 42 participants, including senior managers, learning technologists, programme and module leaders and students, from across three different online programmes in the university. By investigating staff and student perspectives, the study explores current online L&T approaches, enablers and barriers to online L&T and what can be learnt or improved in future online L&T environments within HEI. The outcome of this study will be twofold: (1) a table of the characteristics of different modes of online L&T and; (2) a set of key recommendations for developing future online learning environments. These outputs are very timely as the importance of online learning environments has risen dramatically over the last year. COVID-19 has pushed many universities into evolving and delivering online L&T and new online L&T models are likely to be required once COVID-19 has passed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)39-53
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 5 Aug 2021


  • online provisions
  • online learning
  • blended learning
  • definition
  • learning
  • definitions and models


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