CPD with a twist: the ROTTERS Curry Club

Martha Hocking, Alison F Warren, Katrina Bannigan

Research output: Other contribution


Good research relies on good networking; getting the right group of people together is essential to executing a project well. If you are new to an area this can be especially tricky. This led Katrina Bannigan, lead for the Participation in Everyday Life research group (The research group for occupational science and occupational therapy research at Plymouth University), to set-up a ‘curry club’. She had heard about curry clubs; Katrina had lived in Yorkshire so was aware of the BAOT Northern & Yorkshire’s curry club to link members from across the region. This curry club was slightly different because it was focussed solely on bringing together occupational therapists interested in research. This is reflected in the name we gave it; ROTTERS as in Research Occupational Therapists.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
TypeProfessional body publication
Media of outputOTnews
PublisherUniversity of Plymouth
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2017


  • networking
  • health professionals
  • Rotters Curry Club

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