Cosmopolitanism, nation-states, and minority nationalism: a critical review of recent literature

Karla Perez Portilla (Translator), Neus Torbisco (Translator), Will Kymlicka, Christine Straehle

Research output: Book/ReportBook


The book explores the claims regarding the importance of three separate levels of political community and political agency: sub-state minority nations, nation-states, and transnational institutions. It is argued that these levels are mutually reinforcing rather than mutually competing. Since nation-states can no longer protect the interests of their citizens on their own, establishing well-functioning transnational institutions can help states focus on the goals they can successfully pursue. Self-government of minorities should not be viewed as a threat but a precondition to long-term stability of states.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMexico
PublisherInstituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas - UNAM
Number of pages105
ISBN (Print)9683695280
Publication statusPublished - 17 Feb 2003


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