Continuing professional development in the Irish legal profession: an exploratory study

David McGuire, Thomas N. Garavan, David O'Donnell, Claire Murphy

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This study explores the level and perceived importance of Continuing Professional Development (C.P.D.) among members of the legal profession in Ireland. The paper consists of a brief examination and synthesis of the published literature on the development of knowledge workers in general, the linking of C.P.D. to organisational goals, the professionalisation of industry and responsibility for the provision of C.P.D. It utilises Broudy’s career progression framework as an explanatory tool to discuss the linkage between C.P.D. and career development. Data reveals a high level of support for the concept of C.P.D. among legal practitioners, but concern is expressed about the time and monetary expense required in implementation. Results reveal that firm size is an influencing factor on attitudes to C.P.D., the types of training interventions employed and the existence of C.P.D. budgets.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-46
Number of pages26
JournalContinuing Professional Development
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  • Irish legal profession
  • knowledge workers
  • career development
  • learning


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