Comparisons between group- and individual-based interventions to support recovery from stroke and ischaemic heart disease in the community: a scoping review

Shaun L. Hancock*, Tharshanah Thayabaranathan, Jan Cameron, Rene Stolwyk, Maggie Lawrence, Liam Johnson, Susan Hillier, Maree Hackett, Dominique A. Cadilhac

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1 Citation (Scopus)
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Purpose: To map and summarise available literature on the effectiveness or other benefits of group- and individual-based interventions provided for adults living with stroke or ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in the community. 

Material and Methods: The review was conducted based on JBI methodology and reported using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews. Articles were retrieved from: Medline, PsychInfo, Embase, Scopus, and CINAHL from 2002–2022. Extracted data from eligible studies included type of health outcomes (e.g., impairments), retention and adherence, social connectedness, and the costs associated with group- and individual-based interventions.

Results: After screening, five articles (representing 4 unique studies) comparing a group- and individual-based intervention were included (total sample size n = 87). Three types of interventions were assessed: exercise (3/5), communication (1/5), and occupational therapy (1/5). Effectiveness of group- and individual-based interventions at improving health outcomes (i.e. physical ability, communication, motivation, and quality of life) is unclear. Currently there is insufficient evidence to guide clinical practice.

Conclusions: There is limited evidence comparing interventions delivered in a group and individual modality for adults living with stroke or IHD. Adequately powered studies are needed to determine if mode of delivery is equivalent or more cost effective.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5432-5441
Number of pages10
JournalDisability and Rehabilitation
Issue number23
Early online date27 Jan 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • cardiovascular disease
  • community
  • comparative effectiveness
  • group therapy
  • individual therapy
  • rehabilitation
  • self-management
  • stroke

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Rehabilitation


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