Comparison of polyferric sulphate with other coagulants for the removal of algae and algae-derived organic matter

J. Q. Jiang, N. J. D. Graham, C. Harward

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

117 Citations (Scopus)


This paper is concerned with the performance of a relatively new form of metal-iron coagulant, Polyferric Sulphate (PFS), which has received very little research attention to date. Laboratory experiments have been undertaken in which the coagulation performance of PFS, Ferric sulphate, Aluminium sulphate and Poly aluminium chloride have been studied using 'model' waters containing single cultures of algae ( Anabaena flosaquae and Astenonella formosa) and other 'model' waters prepared by mixing aquatic humic substances with Asterionella formosa at different concentration ratios. Physico-chemical variables such as colloid charge, floc number concentration and size distribution, DOC concentration and turbidity, have been determined to quantify treatment performance. The performance of PFS was found to be superior to the other coagulants and this was believed to be due to the presence of more highly charged cation species. For all coagulants there was an approximate stoichiometry between coagulant dose and the dissolved organic carbon concentration.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)221-230
Number of pages10
JournalWater Science and Technology
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Jun 1993
Externally publishedYes
Event2nd Conference of the IAWQ-IWSA Joint Specialist Group on Coagulation, Flocculation, Filtration, Sedimentation and Flotation - Geneva, Switzerland
Duration: 1 Sept 19923 Sept 1992


  • Algae
  • Aluminium sulphate
  • Coagulants
  • Ferric sulphate
  • Polyaluminium chloride
  • Polyferric sulphate

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Environmental Engineering
  • Water Science and Technology


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