Chronic exposure to the ultraviolet radiation levels from arc welding does not result in obvious damage to the human corneal endothelium

Emil Oblak, Michael Doughty

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


Occupational exposure of the cornea to ultraviolet radiation (UVR, e.g. in welding) is a well-known cause of ‘arc eye’ (photo-keratoconjunctivititis), but has also been considered to be a risk for the development of alterations in the size (polymegethism) and shape (pleomorphism) of the deeper-lying human corneal endothelial cells. Human data are however limited and so a further study was undertaken, with a control group.


  • corneal epithelium
  • welding
  • ultraviolet radiation


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