Assessing community perception and attitude towards flooding in the Lower Benue River Basin, Nigeria

Emmanuel U. Unaegbu, Keith Baker

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    In the Lower Benue River Basin, the majority of the population derives their livelihood from subsistent farming and fishing. With climate change expected to result in increased flooding, the impacts on these poor rural farmers will be significant and since adaptation is not cheap, prioritizing responses by sectors becomes essential. Such an analysis can bring to the fore the sectors that are most affected and by implication sectors of importance to the community.
    Two communities: Wadata and Anyim were selected for survey. Health, housing, agriculture, economic activities, transportation and water are the sectors evaluated. Results reveal agriculture; housing; and economic activities as
    the worst affected sectors. In furtherance, we argue that prioritization of adaptation by sectors can provide immediate relief for victims. Vulnerability in the region is exacerbated by ‘late’ and ‘historic incorrect’ environmental
    change communication. Household insurance is non-existent and somewhat non-customary thus, financial adjustments are presumably made with household savings or assets disposal.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Earth Science and Climatic Change
    Issue number206
    Early online date13 May 2014
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2014


    • flooding
    • Lower Benue River Basin
    • Nigeria
    • climate change


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