Analysis and influence of acetylene and propane gas during oxyfuel gas cutting of 1045 carbon steel

Patricia Munoz-Escalona, Maria Carolina Payares, Minerva Dorta, Ronald Diaz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Many metal-manufacturing industries include oxyfuel cutting among their manufacturing processes because cutting and welding are often required in metal-cutting processes, specifically in the fabrication of pressure vessels and storage tanks. The oxyfuel cutting process uses controlled chemical reactions to remove preheated metal by rapid oxidation in a stream of pure oxygen. Previous research has demonstrated that metal cutting surfaces varied depending on the gas used for the combustion as well as the cutting speed (Vc) used during the process. In this research, AISI 1045 carbon steel was cut using an oxyacetylene and an oxypropane cutting process. Different tests, such as surface roughness, cut drag displacement, groove width, microhardness, and microstructure, were used to analyze the influence of the Vc and the combustion flame (oxyacetylene and oxypropane). The results showed, in general, better cut surfaces when using propane gas. Also, it was demonstrated that oxyacetylene cutting is almost 85% more expensive than oxypropane cutting.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)684-692
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2006


  • acetylene
  • oxyfuel gas cutting
  • propane
  • steel


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