An integrated model for requirements structuring and architecture design

Juha Savolainen*, Tuomo Vehkomäki , Mike Mannion

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Requirements guide the development of a software intensive system, whereas the software architecture largely dictates the achievable properties of the system. This interplay of requirements and architectures has been largely accepted by the researchers and practitioners alike. Despite the common understanding of the general approach, the exact guidelines on how to develop systems in practice are missing. Features are often used to map customer requirements into product properties. However, our experience shows that features are often misused. Their real role is not understood or they are used for premature design and solution specification purposes. A number of different methods for either analysing and modelling requirements or for designing architectures exists, but the combination and customisation of these methods is left for the practitioners. The transition from problem definition to architecture is mainly dependent on the creativity and problem understanding of the chief architect. In this paper, we argue how 4 existing models, problem domain models, context diagrams, feature models, and architectural descriptions can be used together to make the transition process more transparent.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAWRE 2002 : The seventh Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering : proceedings
EditorsJacob Cybulski, Lemai Nguyen, John Lamp, Ross Smith
Place of PublicationDeakin University, School of Information Systems
PublisherDeakin University
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9780730025665
ISBN (Print)0730025667
Publication statusPublished - 3 Dec 2002
Event7th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 2 Dec 20023 Dec 2002


Conference7th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering
Abbreviated titleAWRE


  • requirements
  • features
  • software architecture


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