Adaptive layered multiple description coding for wireless video with expanding window random linear codes

Sajid Nazir, Vladimir Stankovic, Dejan Vukobratovic

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    The error free communication of video data over multi-hop wireless networks is a challenging research problem. Multiple description coding has been proposed as a possible solution to leverage path diversity for error robustness. Forward error correction is an additional protection that can be provided to each description. Random linear codes have had renewed interest fostered by the multi-hop and multi-interface radio receivers. In this study, the descriptions are created using the encoding features of slicing and data partitioning for H.264/AVC video. The unequally protected video is protected with Expanding window-Random linear codes against channel errors. Fading channel error model is used to simulate real-world wireless channels. We also propose an adaptive scheme for video transmission over multiple paths. Such scheme may adapt to the varying channel conditions as is frequently the case in wireless transmission. The results show that the proposed scheme can be used for emerging wireless standards.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
    Number of pages4
    ISBN (Electronic)9781467300469
    ISBN (Print)9781467300452
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Aug 2012


    • data partitioning
    • random linear codes
    • multiple description coding
    • multi-hop wireless networks


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