A survey on customer needs with regard to an innovative business model: time-delayed charging of electric cars with green electricity self-produced at home

Kira Rambow-Hoeschele, Irene Walter, Anna Nagl, David Harrison, Bruce Wood, Karlheinz Bozem, Kevin Braun, Peter Hoch

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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The competence center for innovative business models, under leadership of Prof. Dr. Anna Nagl, – together
with the distribution system operator Überlandzentrale Wörth/I.-Altheim Netz AG (ÜZW) and bozem |
consulting associates | munich – researches and develops new business models for sustainable
electromobility. To reach an ideal customer acceptance, all stakeholders participate in the development
process. In addition to a written survey of all ÜZW customers using an own photovoltaic system, design
thinking workshops and an open innovation platform are used to involve the stakeholders. This paper presents
the business model “time-delayed charging of electric cars with green electricity self-produced at home”.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of EVS30 Symposium
Publication statusPublished - 11 Oct 2017


  • survey
  • customer needs
  • electric cars
  • green electricity


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