Projects per year
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RSE RB: RSE Re Boot Covid Grant
Lombard, N. (PI)
The Royal Society of Edinburgh
1/06/21 → 30/11/21
Project: Research Grant
CS_4_FB: Feeding Britain: Citizens Supermarket for SW Glasgow
McKendrick, J. (PI)
5/01/21 → 31/05/21
Project: Knowledge Exchange
The Lived experiences of Victims of Coercive Control, Stalking and Related Crimes, as they progress through the Criminal Justice System: Is it a case of "from the frying pan into the fire or is current practice, best practice.
Lombard, N. (PI), Proctor, K. (CoI), Whiting, N. (CoI) & Mathieson, K. (CoI)
4/05/20 → 30/11/21
Project: Research Grant
Exploring and Evaluating the Disclosure Scheme for Domestic Abuse in Scotland
McMillan, L. (PI)
1/06/19 → 31/05/20
Project: Research Grant
Providing Analytical Expertise on Local Area Child Poverty Planning on Behalf of the Scottish Government
Sinclair, S. (PI) & McKendrick, D. (CoI)
27/07/18 → 31/03/21
Project: Research Grant
Evaluation of Community Empowerment Act: Review of Participation Requests
Steiner, A. (PI), Teasdale, S. (CoI), Baker, R. (CoI), Donaldson, C. (CoI) & O'Hagan, A. (CoI)
16/04/18 → 30/01/20
Project: Consultancy
Evaluation of Community Empowerment Act: Review of Asset Transfer Requests
Steiner, A. (PI), Hill O'Connor, C. (CoI), Teasdale, S. (CoI), Baker, R. (CoI), Donaldson, C. (CoI) & O'Hagan, A. (CoI)
16/04/18 → 30/01/20
Project: Consultancy
The Emergence of Social Innovation in Social Enterprise: An Analytical Framework
Henderson, F. (PI)
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
1/04/18 → 1/11/18
Project: Research Grant
Single Parent Community Connections
McKendrick, J. (CoI) & Davis, M. (PI)
1/01/18 → 30/06/18
Project: Non-Research/Other Grant
Private Water Supplies: Are they inhibiting growth and flexibility of the rural economy, or impacting population distribution?
Teedon, P. (PI), Fedeli, G. (CoI), Helwig, K. (CoI) & Henderson, F. (CoI)
Centre of Expertise for Waters
1/11/17 → 31/07/18
Project: Contract Research