Looking Back to Move Forward: Slavery and the Highlands

  • Sara Karly Kehoe (Organiser)

Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition


Looking Back to Move Forward: Slavery and the Highlands was a project that engaged directly with the local community to demonstrate, through the creation of a public exhibition at the Inverness Archive Centre, the process of doing history. It demonstrated how local archival resources can be used to inform current academic research and how universities can enhance the study of history in schools. The twelve week, collaborative project brought together trained historians, archivists and community researchers to help a group of sixth-year pupils from Inverness Royal Academy (IRA) research, plan and produce an exhibition that sheds new light on slavery’s connections with the Highlands and Islands.
PeriodSept 2011Feb 2012
Held atHighland Archive Centre, High Life Highland, United Kingdom